
Release: 457; Sep 2016


Sales > Credit > CollectionsCollection Notes - A delivery address lookup has been added to the screen and a prompt to print / send Collection Notes to the print queue appears every time the collection is closed. Collection number is set on save rather than when the Collection Note is generated to prevent numbers from being consumed when Collection Notes aren't saved. Users can no longer enter their own collection numbers as they have to be sequential and are linked to the Credit Note. (New skin: nbfSalesCreditCollection)
Sales > Credit > Collection BrowseCollection Browse - Collection Notes are now ordered by collection number. The 'Closed' option now displays closed collection on selection (New Skin: nbfSCCollection)
Sales > Credit > Receive GoodsReceive Goods - A warning message is displayed if less stock is received than what was entered on the associated Collection Note as goods can only be received in one go (one-to-one relationship between Collection Notes and Credit Notes). The Collection Note is marked as complete once a Credit Note is generated. Credit Notes are always printed / sent to the print queue when receiving goods against a Collection Note. The default bin number is also automatically populated if one has been setup against the stock code
Nominal > ComplaintsHistory Grids - The history girds for Purchase Returns and Sales Credit Notes are now populated when they're generated and opened from the Complaints screen.
Reports > Nominal > Budget UsageBudget Usage Report - Breakdown details are now shown for budgets that haven't been created against a specific nominal or nominal collection e.g. budgets by department / cost centre

Minor Features

Purchases > Purchase ReturnSave History - A record of the username, date and status is kept each time a Purchase Return is saved, in the same way as it's done for Purchase Orders. This is kept in the same POSAVEHIST table
Sales > ManifestManifest - The Sales Collection Note's delivery address is now brought through to the address field on the manifest and they only appear from the collection date until the goods have been received. Manufactures, NonManufactured, Bulky and NonBulky weights are all brought through to the manifest for Purchase Returns. User and Date & Time are also brought through as well as the return number for the Order Reference field.
Nominal > ComplaintsComplaints - Complaints are automatically saved when selecting the create collection / credit / return buttons and a warning message is displayed if one of these has already been linked against the complaint.
Reports > Nominal > ComplaintsComplaints Reports - Layout of the report has been altered and an extra conclusion comment field is now displayed

Major Features

Purchase & Sales > Ledger DetailsOpen Items - The Open Items screen has been altered to only show the original transaction lines with their original and outstanding amounts rather than the split transaction lines (ISP, TSP etc.). 'Match Details' button will display the split detail behind each transaction. Outstanding balance totals, All Items and Statement buttons are now displayed on this screen. The Open Items screen is now called directly from the Browse Suppliers / Customers screen when selecting the 'Details' button rather than displaying the Ledger Account Enquiry screen.