
Release: 445; Aug 2015


Organize > Events > EmailsEmbedded images - All embedded images sent from within the software are marked as 'inline.' They will no longer appear as attachments when a reply is received
Organize > Events > EmailsContent display - Alteration to the procedure which displays the content of an email to increase robustness
Organize > Events > EmailsWord Document Attachments - The routine to construct these documents has been altered to prevent any data corrupted error messages appearing
Purchases > RequisitionsRequisition aesthetics - Message which appears when authorising a requisition that's within budget has been altered. Bind object error resolved when there's no budget code property on the skin
Purchase > Shipment TradesCustomer and Supplier - Those marked as dead are now excluded from the list
Purchases > ShipmentsDefault Costs - Code altered to point at the current default costs table
Purchases > Invoice for POTotal Settlement Discount - The total amount is show without any error messages
Purchases > Invoice for POAdd VAT to Cost - Calculation for the VAT variance between the Purchase Order and Invoice has been altered to ensure the GRNI account balances in systems which have been setup to add the VAT to the cost
Purchases > Browse Suppliers > Open ItemsReversing Invoices & Credits - Reversals now use the associated Invoice / Credit VAT amount rather than re-calculating it. Reversal will now be for the exact amount & balance
Purchase & Sales > Standard ChargesStandard charges - Missing links for any purchase & sales standard charges are created on upgrade. Unable to select or alter these charges without inserting these links (Only occurs in Accounting Office to My.N database upgrades)
Sales > Sales OrdersEn Primeur Orders - Duty Paid En Primeur orders are no longer automatically closed on save
Sales > Invoice DirectNominal for <TEXTITEM> - The item's nominal is always retrieved from the customer account for <TEXTITEM> as the system originally worked before an update in version 443.
Sales > Hire Maintenance Agreement > Stock BrowseBrowse filters - Now possible to filter by description, product type or product group when on the hire and maintenance stock browse screen
Nominal > JournalsSales & Purchase Ledger journals - The description entered on a journal posting to Sales & Purchase Ledgers will now appear when browsing sales & purchase ledger transactions
Nominal > JournalJournal templates - Object reference error no longer appears for each line in a journal when loading from a template
Nominal > JournalsAuto Reverse - Journals with a VAT element can now be auto reversed
Nominal > Nominal Ledger AccountsNominal Groupings - All Nominal Groupings will be saved in upper case for reporting purposes
Nominal > BudgetsPeriod Description - The period descriptions are now displayed when creating a new budget
Nominal > Budget CopyExit screen - Bind Object Error no longer occurs when the screen is closed
Nominal > Financial periodsLookup list - The year end list is now ordered by date descending
Nominal > Trial Balance DrilldownTrial Balance aesthetics - All future periods and years are displayed as their potential values rather than actual - to prevent from displaying period 99. The year is also displayed correctly when the '<<' and '>>' buttons are used, while the system blocks users from selecting a From period that's greater than the To period
Reports > Nominal > Detailed P&L ReportSQL error - Selecting 'Budget up to this period' and 'up to current month' will now work without displaying a SQL error. An incorrect field was being used in the group by clause.
Reports > Nominal > Detailed P&L ReportP&L against Budget - Budget figures are displayed with the correct signage and the Accounting Periods option for the Cumulative Budget option will filter the data in the same way as the standard P&L Report does (New Report)
Reports > Nominal > P&L ReportRunning Totals - User added running totals will now appear on P&L reports whether there have been any transactions against that Nominal Ledger Heading or not.
Reports > Nominal > Extended P&L ReportPeriod Selection - Report will now run when the 'Selected Period' or 'Accounting Periods' options have been selected
Reporting > User ReportsRun Report - User Reports will now run the report the second time you select 'OK' on the User Report List screen when 'Auto Close' has been deselected, instead of editing it
ReportsCustomized formatting - The system now ignores the posting precision if a customized format has been set on a field. Numbers on reports were being rounded down to the posting precision before being overridden by a customized format via the screen. E.g. number 1.123 was being rounded to 1.12 before a customized format was used. #,##0.0000 would result in 1.1200 not 1.1230.
Tools > General SettingsNominal Collections - Income and expense collections can be automatically created without having to initially create the collections under Nominal > Budgets.
System SetupNominal Structure - Minimum number of nominal digits has been decreased to 4 when creating a new trading company

Minor Features

Purchases > Purchase OrdersBudget properties - Budget description and Itemref are now available as read only properties (BudgetDescription, BudgetItemRef). Budget Line Splits returns the correct values for all properties by using the new BudgetItemRef property.
Purchases > Shipment InvoicesNominal Filter - Item lines can be filtered by Nominal and are automatically filtered on load when other invoices are added
Purchase > Shipment TradesLCS terms - These have been updated for the supplier and the default is Estimated Departure Date and 15 day terms.
Purchase > Shipment ReceiptsStock Trades -The accrual costs are recalculated and spread across only those stock items received
Purchases > Invoice for POInvoice Authorisation Required - System forces user to enter a PO Invoice Threshold Status if they have PO Invoice Authorisation Required switched on under System Parameters. Invoice will display an error message and cancel the posting if the status has not been set for this setup
Purchases > SuppliersSupplier properties - DirectDebit and SupplierPaymentRef fields are now also available on a supplier record
Sales > Sales OrdersBudget properties -Budget description and Itemref are now available as read only properties (BudgetDescription, BudgetItemRef). Budget Line Splits returns the correct values for all properties by using the new BudgetItemRef property.
Sales > DespatchDespatch Types - New 'DespatchType' property available on the Despatch screen. When goods are despatched you can enter the type of packages used and the number of these. The lookup list is populated by using Stock > Despatch Unit Types
Sales > ManifestsManifests - Sales Orders are automatically allocated to that day's manifest when the delivery route is set. This is an interactive manifest and the user can set the order of where the SO will appear on it
Sales > Telesales > Hire AgreementFeature Licence - Access has been restricted to the Hire Agreement screen as a feature check was previously being bypassed. Trading company must be licenced to use the Regular Billing feature.
Nominal > Cash MatchingExchange Difference - Cash matching can leave a difference on the base rate when paying customers or suppliers that use foreign currency . There are now fields available to see the total exchange value and the exchange rate applied for each line.
Nominal > BudgetsBudgets - Allow budgets to be created with and without Departments and Cost Centres, as long as they are against different nominal accounts. A nominal account cannot have a mixture of both budget types.
Nominal > Financial Periods > Period End DatesNext Year End - The Next Year End property is defaulted to a year later than the Current Year End, rather than a date in 2008
Nominal > Financial Periods > Month and Year EndYear End Profit Transfer - Year End Profit Transfer is now also split by Site, Depot, Department and Cost Centre against the Reserves nominal account
Nominal > Trial Balance DrilldownFuture P&L revaluations - A phantom account for future P&L revaluations will appear when viewing the Trial Balance drilldown when the previous year has yet to be closed down. The sum of all P&L values for the previous year will appear in this nominal, which results in the figures balancing. The phantom account is defaulted to have B-REVAL as its code and 'Future P&L Revaluation' as its description, but these can be altered under General Settings (RevalPhantomAcCode,RevalPhantomAcName). This nominal can be drilled down upon, which will display a list of the P&L nominals it's made up of and the transactions behind them.
Nominal > Trial Balance DrilldownTrial Balance Summary - Two new columns have been added to the screen; a brought forward figure and a carried forward figure for each line. A final carried forward figure for the year has also been added
Reporting > Nominal > Trial BalanceTrial Balance Report - Report can now be ordered by Site, Depot, Department or Cost Centre. There are also new 'Empty entries' check boxes that will filter the report by transactions where the Site, Depot etc. has not been set, and a check box to change the selection criteria to exclusion criteria. The Report now includes Year Debit & Year Credit columns and a profit or loss figure. (New 'nbfRepParamsTB' skin & reports)
ReportsSub group totals - Sub group totals are automatically enabled the same time as sub totals when creating new reports
Tools > Import > Fixed AssetsFixed Asset Importer - Import available for Fixed Assets, inclusive of any depreciation that has taken effect. Menu option ToolsImportFixedAssets
Tools > Import > BarcodesBarcode Importer - Import available for stock barcodes. Menu option ToolsImportStockBarcodes
Tools > General SettingsClose Sales Order after Despatch - The DefCloseSOAfDesp system parameter is now brought through to all new customer and company accounts.
Read Only PropertiesClient set Read Only Properties - There's a new 'Read Only' option on the 'Add Property Edit Box' screen. All properties added with this option will be set to read only, including picture boxes